Hoàng Long

Social worker, Community builder, Video journalism, Sophomore Fulbright student



Hoang Long is a person interested in community development through education. He had three years of experience in social work at Blue Dragon Children's Foundation and three years of making journalistic videos specializing in social issues at VCcorp. He is currently a full-time student at Fulbright University Vietnam.


📞 094 3581 993

✉️ [email protected]

📄 Blog posts

⚡ Facebook

Professional experience

Marketing & web design


Marketing and web design for Anh Chị Em (ACE)social microfinance organization (2021)

Design the website for the ACE organization and making communication & marketing planning for ACE



Curriculum & Learning Experience Designer for MỞ - Mơ và Hỏi (2021)

Workshop for high school students on active learning skills (2021)

Video journalism


Video journalism (2017 - 2020)

Long-form journalism projects specializing in social issues at VCCorp Corporation

*Elderly labour working in Vietnam | Saigon's animal carers | Taoist Temple in HCM city | Illegal sand mining*

Social worker


Blue Dragon Children Foundation (2013 - 2015)

Outreach to street children and establish plans of help for them

Ấm – Charity for homeless people (2013 - 2014)

Administrate and organize activities to help homeless people in Ha Noi

09 Hospital (2012)

Support for the program called “Psychological Care for HIV patients”.

Community building through social media


Hanoi Love (2016)

The community video program depicting the story of human love for Humans of Ha Noi project

Hanoi Love videos | Hanoi Love for ISEE Institute | Hanoi Love on Vietcetera

Humans of Ha Noi (2014 - 2016)

Hoang Long collected stories about wage workers and disadvantaged people and shared them on the Humans of Ha Noi Facebook page. Those stories were made into the book “Through the windows of life.”

Video introduction | Through the windows of life” book | Exhibition

Photovoice Film | Fact & Fiction Films (2015)

Media Facilitators for Health in the Backyard project. Hoang Long guided the farmers to use the camera so that they can create their own photovoice.


Fulbright University Vietnam


Sophomore Fulbright student (2020 - 2024)

He focuses full time on learning how to study effectively. He is interested in literature, sociology, political science, and history to understand a holistic picture of social issues.

Effective Altruism Virtual Programs


Introductory & In-Depth Effective Altruism (2020)

Through participating in two programs, he has the foundational knowledge about how to do good effectively.