
Why I Wrote My Own Graduation Speech

<aside> 📎 This writing is a continuation of the reflection on the same event that happed last years What I do with my privilege of education


Sài Gòn, 31/07/2024

At the start of my final year at Fulbright University Vietnam (FUV), I imagined myself giving my 2025 graduation speech. Standing before a hall full of people, speaking clearly yet emotionally, with tears as we shared our last moments together. In this speech, I will reflect on the most important aspects of my student experience to share with others.

This is a creative exercise, not intended for the actual event but for myself, not for public but most private. However, I want to share this idea with you because it might help you find meaning in your own higher education. Especially for my Co25 classmates, we have only two weeks left before we return to school, and in the blink of an eye, your final year will end before you even realize it.

Please make the most of it!

I was inspired by my friend Phát, my roommate. We met on our first day at FUV. He was a slim and fit guy, talkative, and often wore a sleeveless jacket over his shirt, making him look like a journalist or an explorer. He always smiled warmly and was willing to help me with the little things. Our friendship was bonded by stories of our private lives since we loved to chat about our dating life, and academic experiences. Our conversations were always quite raw, honest. Four years flew by, and we finally had to say goodbye on our last day.

Two month ago, on our final days, he asked me to listen to his practice speech the night before he presented it. That night, in our quiet, warmly lit apartment, Phát stood upright, his voice clear and dear. His words moved me, for his story was not about fame but humility. It was a reflection on his four years as a student, on how each time he faced difficulty, he not only courageously overcame it but, more importantly, was helped by many people in his journey of growth. In the end, he expressed deep gratitude to all those who shaped him.

Reflecting on these conversations, I realized that the essence of education lies not just in knowledge but in the rich interplay of student life experiences. Writing the graduation speech compels the writer to unfold their inner life onto the page, capturing their experiences in words, then selecting, editing, and weaving those experiences into a compelling story. The act of writing itself becomes a journey to define meaning. Moved by his words and the belief that writing can define the meaning of my educational journey, I decided to give myself the chance to write my own graduation speech.

In this context, meaning is what imporntant that you learn

Here is my My Own Graduation Speech

<aside> 📎 Reflective Questions for My Graduation Speech

These questions work in pairs. I review my learning and then set objectives for the next year to design my best final year.

  1. What is my most memorable moment at FUV? / What memorable experiences do I want to have in my final year at Fulbright?
  2. How have my friendships at FUV influenced my journey? / How do I want to build relationships in the coming year?
  3. What challenges did I overcome, and what did they teach me? / What challenges will I face in the coming year, and how will I use the lessons learned to overcome them?
  4. Who has been my greatest mentor, and how have they impacted my life? / What will I learn from being a mentor, and how will I help others?
  5. How has my perspective on learning and education changed over the years? / How do I want to maintain or improve my perspective on learning and education?
  6. What am I most proud of achieving during my time at FUV? / What achievements do I want to be proud of in my final year?
  7. What values do I hold in learning now, and what values and lessons will I carry with me after graduation?
  8. How do I want to be remembered by my peers and professors? / What will I do to ensure that people remember me positively in my final year?
  9. What advice would I give to incoming students? / What advice would I give to my future self, and what would I say to myself in the present?
  10. How has FUV shaped my future aspirations and goals over the past three years, and how do I want to build on that in my final year?
  11. Fortunately, I still have one year left at FUV. What plans do I have to make the most of it? </aside>

Đang viết

What I learn from this process?