Last update: 16/08/2023

Bui Hoang Long, My life in a nutshell, Developmental Psychology course at Fulbright 2023

My Life in review

I would like to divide my life's journey into four distinct parts for easier understanding. In each section, you can click to learn more about that particular phase of my life.


**Early Development:

Healthy and Loving**

(0 to 15 years old)

From my birth until the end of middle school, I experienced healthy physical and mental growth. I was raised in a loving and nurturing environment, attending various extracurricular classes. However, my family was somewhat overprotective, which sometimes led me to be less proactive in life.

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My life review

**Late Adolescence:

Stormy stage & Confusion**

(High School: 15 to 18 years old)

This phase is a stormy stage due to domestic violence, poor academic performance, game addiction, and obesity. It all happened at the same time as puberty, with a lot of things changing in my mind, body, and identity. This stage corresponds to Erikson's Stage 5 (Identity vs. Confusion), but I tend to be more confused about my identity, because of have low esteem, I feel o feel insecure and stressed, and closed off from the world.


**Adulthood -

Identity and Intimacy**

(19 to 30 years old)

At this time, I have many opportunities to do the things I love (social work, filmmaking, photography) and can explore many aspects of social life in Vietnam, when I work with various different social classes. This process gradually shapes my personality and the purpose of my life. This helps me slowly find my own identity, corresponding to the completion of stage 5 of Erikson's stages (Identity vs. Confusion). Simultaneously, I built intimate connections with romantic partners and formed lasting relationships, gradually perfecting stage 6 (Intimacy vs. Isolation).



and the End of Life**

(30 years old and beyond)

In the future, I believe that spiritual development will be one of my priorities, as it will help me confront aging and death while also appreciating and living a more meaningful life. This stage is directly related to Erikson's Stages 8 and 9, as well as the concept of Gerotranscendence.
