Hoang Long, 29/03/2023


As a student who regularly uses Chat-GPT and related language models, I consider this technology an essential tool in my learning process. It helps me find research papers, create summaries and outlines for difficult texts, and quickly locate related information. It also assists me in summarizing what I have already written in my knowledge library. By leveraging these applications, I can reduce cognitive processing in each learning step and devote more time to comprehending complex concepts and ideas.

However, relying on AI for learning also raises important questions about which cognitive processes I should prioritize and which parts I should ask a computer for help with. It also raises questions about what I should learn and how I will learn in the future when AI becomes an inseparable part of education.

That is why I want to think about a framework to help me how to incorporate technology while still developing critical thinking skills. One approach is to view AI as another source of information, similar to traditional sources such as books or teachers' lectures. The following framework uses truthfulness and student understanding to guide the process of writing with AI.



<aside> 💡 Truthfulness = evidence + reasoning


To determine the truth of something, you can examine evidence of the phenomenon and analyze how that evidence contributes to the information you consume. Here are some suggested questions to help you evaluate information:

  1. What is the source of information?
  2. Does the source have a reputation for accuracy and reliability?
  3. Are there any biases or assumptions present in the information?
  4. Are there any logical fallacies or errors in reasoning present in the information?
  5. What are the counter-arguments and evidence related to your source of information?

Whether the information comes from books or AI systems that you have, you still have the responsibility to evaluate information to be able to trust it.


It's important to note that truthfulness is a subjective evaluation by individuals or groups. Furthermore, I believe that absolute truth cannot be found. We have a spectrum where we strive to achieve the most accurate information.

<aside> 💡 Read more


<aside> 💡 Understanding = self-explanation with evidence and reasoning
