Weekly Task Breakdown for "Standing in Our Own Waste" Capstone Project
Workshop 1: Building the Database
- Task: Identify and gather relevant data sources on plastic waste in Vietnam. Organize the collected data into a structured database for easy access and analysis.
Workshop 2: Preliminary Literature Review
- Task: Conduct a comprehensive literature search on environmental psychology, → plastic usage behaviors, , and art-based interventions**.** Summarize key findings to inform your research questions and methodology.
- Method of study
Workshop 3: Narrowing to Topic
- Task: Refine and finalize your research questions based on the initial literature review. Define the scope of your study to ensure focus and feasibility.
Workshop 4: Summarizing an Academic Paper + Professional Communications
- Task: Select key academic papers relevant to your topic. Develop concise summaries of each paper and practice presenting your research ideas clearly and professionally.
Workshop 5: Literature Review Presentation
- Task: Present the findings of your literature review to the class. Receive and incorporate feedback to enhance the depth and clarity of your review.
Workshop 6: Literature Review Presentation
- Task: Continue presenting different sections or additional findings of your literature review. Further refine your review based on peer and faculty feedback.
Workshop 7: Literature Review Presentation
- Task: Complete any remaining literature review presentations. Ensure your review effectively highlights gaps your research will address.
Workshop 8: Writing Up Methodology
- Task: Define your research design and choose appropriate methodologies. Detail the procedures for data collection, analysis, and ensure validity and reliability in your approach.
Workshop 9: Research Logistics
- Task: Plan the logistical aspects of your research, including timelines, resources needed, and potential challenges. Develop a detailed research plan outlining each step of your project.